Spiritual Finance
by Rev Dan Beckett
That seems like a strange combination of words for many! But the place where money and materiality intersect is right in the center of our spiritual selves. We simply need to live from that place through two simple spiritual principles.
The first principle, generosity, is easy to understand, but not always easy to live! It says, “If I want to experience a generous universe, I must show up as a generous presence in the universe.” Yes, we exclaim! But how…?
The answer is a disciplined and regular giving practice. I have done this for years, and every goal I ever had has come to be. Here are the steps: For every dollar I receive, I give (with gratitude!) 10 cents to a person, place or institution that has fed me spiritually. To discern the recipient of the gift, I turn within in prayer, asking, “Where does this gift belong?” And then act with integrity on whatever guidance I receive. Give that gift! No strings attached.
The second principle, spirit-led action, is contained within the giving step above. And when we apply that practice in all our affairs, real change takes root in our lives. The steps are: turn within in prayer with any question, care or concern you might have. Stay open to any inkling, inspiration or idea that may arise. If something comes up, act on it quickly and with integrity. And, equally importantly, if nothing comes up, do nothing! Often “nothing” is the right and perfect action for us to take.