Article by Rev Dan: Spiritual Connections

Spiritual Connections


One of the reasons I love our spiritual community is the connections I make with other progressively minded, Spirit-led seekers. In a world where religious teachings sometimes seem to be used for what feels like the exact opposite of their intended purpose, finding others who are open, inclusive and spiritually curious is figuratively (and perhaps literally) a God send!


One way we embody this openness is through gathering on Sundays for mindfulness meditation, inspiring music, and a spiritual message that is relevant and practical for today’s world. We sing together, laugh together and pray together, all in a way that honors and draws from our Christian roots without excluding anyone or preaching any kind of “anti” message.


Our belief is that every voice matters, every expression of humanity is valid. We’re not here to tell anyone what to think, or what God may or may not mean to them. We are here to provide practical teachings for leading healthy, prosperous and meaningful lives. We trust the Spirit to lead us home. Our job is to learn to listen to the still, small voice within and follow its guidance with love and integrity.


We seek above all to see the presence of God in each and every person. Our motto is, “A Positive Path for Spiritual Living!”


If you want to find others who live this way every day, I invite you to join us Sunday mornings at 11:00 am for a free celebration of the power of Spirit in our lives through meditation, music and message. Child Classes and Nursery Care are provided. We also meet for Mindfulness Meditation every Sunday at 930am.