Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity - June


June: Setting Goals


This month, we complete our focus on setting goals. Do you have your goals in mind? Do you have an understanding of your divine purpose? These are both important steps in achieving the prosperity consciousness we desire. 

We are reminded that whatever we think about is what we become. That is why goals are so important. Besides, the more we connect in prayer with God, our divine purpose, and our goals, the greater our success in achieving our goals. 

Clearly, the Bible underlines the power of prayer. However, it also keeps us remembering that prayer combined with action is the key to manifestation. While continuing to practice prayer, this month we will take action toward our goals and find ways to remove any roadblocks we may have. Our prosperity is sure when we pray and act in concert with God.

What the Bible says:


“Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” Matt. 18:19

“So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

“Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” Matt. 7:7

“So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” Col. 3:1

What Unity says:


“You are Spirit, the Son of God, and your place is at the right hand of the Father. To realize this is to call down upon yourself the baptism of the Holy Spirit…” Charles Fillmore, Talks on Truth

“If your prosperity does not become manifest as soon as you pray and affirm God as your substance, your supply, and your support, refuse to give up. Show your faith by keeping up the work.” Charles Fillmore, Prosperity

“This law operates in every department of being. Those who seek the things that the material realm has to offer usually find them. Those who strive for moral excellence usually attain that goal. Those who aspire to spiritual rewards are also rewarded. The law is that we get what we want and work for, and all experience and history have proved it a good law.” Charles Fillmore, Prosperity


Ideas for practice:


•    Review the goals you set last month, including the steps to reaching them. Start with one goal per day. Become quiet, and meditate on your goals and steps, one at a time. Visualize how they will look, feel, smell, taste, and sound once they are accomplished. Do the same with your intermediate steps.

•    Do you encounter resistance? If a particular step or goal seems difficult, be sure to break them down to their smallest components. For instance, my goal is to complete a study of prosperity so that I can teach others, and an intermediate step is to read Edwene Gaines’ book (The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity). I feel resistant to it, or I just have not gotten around to it. I can break it down further. For example, the steps might be to go online to order the book, then to order it, to read it, to talk with friends about discussing it together. 

•    Another idea, if you encounter resistance, is to sit in silence with it. Allow yourself to really feel the resistance, without trying to identify it—just let it be what it is. Usually, we will notice that it goes away. If not explore what the resistance is about. Write about this experience in your journal.

•    Continue to meet with your prayer triad. Talk about your goals, and your practice. Master Minding is a great practice here as well. Stating your goals aloud to someone else is one way to anchor them in reality and to create a sense of accountability—both important for accomplishing your goals.