The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity
April: Setting Goals
Why are goals so important for prosperity? As Catherine Ponder put it in Dare to Prosper, “… the mind is the connecting link between man and the rich but unformed substance of the universe. If you never think definitely about the prosperous results you desire, no mental contact is made with the rich substance of the universe.”
It may seem obvious that goals help us to focus our energy toward accomplishing what we want to do. The more specific the goals are, the better. But, how does this work for us spiritually? Taking the time to get specific about what we want is one of the best gifts we can give ourselves and the world. When we take time to connect with what it is we really want, not just what has been programmed for us by others or by our position in life, we re-establish the connection with our deeper yearnings. We make contact with the rich substance of the universe.
If you think about setting goals, you know that in order to do so, you must have an understanding of who you are and your own capabilities and resources. Prosperity means having what you need when you need it, whether what you need is material or intangible. In order to set goals, then, we start by connecting with our own identity in God. We are the Beloved, the Chosen of God. As such, our goals aligned with God have the mark of success.
This is where God comes in. It is a cycle: the more we align with God’s purpose, the more we can envision how we can manifest that purpose through our goals; the more likely we are to live and manifest our highest good, the more we align with God’s purpose.
What the Bible says:
“And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.’” Mark 1:11
“No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.” 1 John 4:12-13
“As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” Col. 3:12
What Unity says:
“Living in the superconsciousness calls for nothing less on our part than a definite recognition of ourselves as sons of God right here right now, regardless of appearances to the contrary.” Charles Fillmore, Atom-Smashing Power of the Mind
“We are to be the very light itself and we can only be the light by becoming so pure that it cannot help but shine through us…We are all the chosen of the Lord and we make the covenant that carries us into His visible presence by laying down the personal man and taking up the universal man.” Charles Fillmore, Jesus Christ Heals
“If we do not affirm our sonship, with all its privileges and powers, we are sure to belittle ourselves and make limitations that prevent us from entering into the fullness of the Godhead.” Charles Fillmore, Mysteries of John
“In love God gave His only begotten Son, the fullness of the perfect-man idea in Divine Mind, the Christ, to be the true, spiritual self of every individual.” Charles Fillmore, Mysteries of John
Ideas for practice:
• If your divine purpose has become clear to you in the last few months, celebrate! If not, continue to hold the question in your prayer and journal. There is no timing like God’s; often as we wait in God’s presence, we deepen our experience and experience a new level of understanding.
• Take time to connect with your identity as a son or daughter of God. Dream or draw from experience about what it feels like to know fully that identity, even in all five senses. Write in your journal about what life is like when living in that identity.
• In prayer, feel the love of God within you and focus on that feeling in silence. Early mystics wrote about the warmth they felt in their hearts. In silence, focus your awareness on your heart, and imagine the warmth of God’s love there. Another idea is to imagine yourself as a flower bud in the sun of God’s love. As you bask, feel yourself bloom into full realization and beauty. Write about this experience and what it means to you in your journal.
• Continue to pray with your prayer triad. Pray together and feel the warmth of God’s love in the silent circle of that small community.